Harbin Declaration of the Association of University Presidents of China
当前,世界百年未有之大变局深层次加速演进,应对世界之变、时代之变、历史之变,锚定2035年建设教育强国奋斗目标,扎根中国大地、建设世界一流大学,以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业,我们使命光荣、责任重大。2025年1月,中国大学校长联谊会相聚冰城哈尔滨,共商共谋一流大学建设,发出如下宣言: The world today is witnessing accelerating changes unseen in a century. To respond to the changes in the world, of the times and in history, and to anchor the goal of building China into a strong education nation by 2035, take root in China, build world-class universities, and comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese path to modernization, we have a glorious mission and weighty responsibility. In January 2025, gathering in the ice city of Harbin, the Association of University Presidents of China jointly discusses and plans to promote the development of world-class universities and issues the following declaration:
——挺膺担当服务教育强国建设。建设教育强国,龙头是高等教育。作为中国高校第一方阵,我们将牢牢把握教育的政治属性、人民属性、战略属性,坚守“中国特色”根本前提,秉持“世界一流”卓越追求,在“一体推进教育发展、科技创新、人才培养”中率先探索、主动作为,以扎根中国大地、携手迈向世界一流大学前列的实际行动,鼎力服务教育强国建设。 —Shoulder responsibilities bravely to serve the construction of a strong education nation. To build a strong education nation, higher education plays a leading role. As the first echelon of Chinese universities, we will firmly uphold the political, people-centered and strategic attributes of education. We will adhere to the fundamental prerequisite of “Chinese characteristics” while pursuing the excellence of “world-class” standards. By “promoting the integrated development of educational development, scientific innovation and talent cultivation”, we will take the lead in proactive exploration and initiatives. Rooted in China and striving hand in hand to move to the forefront of world-class universities, we aim to vigorously support the construction of a strong education nation.
——牢记使命培养顶尖创新人才。国家发展靠人才,民族振兴靠人才。我们将深入落实立德树人根本任务,模范肩负“为党育人、为国育才”使命,深刻把握智能文明时代底层逻辑和教育规律,加速探索构建顶尖创新人才培养模式,共建共享高水平人才培养平台和培养资源,努力走好顶尖创新人才自主培养之路。 —Keep the mission firmly in mind and cultivate top-notch innovative talents. As the country's development and national rejuvenation hinge on talent, we will fully implement the fundamental mission of fostering virtue through education and earnestly undertake the task of “cultivating talent for the Party and the nation”. By thoroughly grasping the underlying principles of education and the logic of the intelligent civilization era, we will accelerate the exploration and construction of models for nurturing top-notch innovative talent. By jointly constructing and sharing high-level platforms and resources for talent cultivation, we will endeavor to establish a unique pathway for the independent cultivation of top-notch innovative talents.
——矢志不移支撑实现高水平科技自立自强。科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强。我们将聚焦国家战略,勇担基础研究主力军和重大科技突破策源地重任,共建服务区域经济社会发展联合体,聚力协同促进科技创新与产业创新深度融合,为高效能培育新质生产力提供强劲支撑,为中国式现代化建设作出教育贡献。 —Remain unwavering in determination to support the realization of high-level self-reliance and strength in science and technology. A nation thrives when science and technology thrive, and a nation grows strong when science and technology grow strong. We will focus on the national strategies, bravely shoulder the important responsibilities of being the main force in basic research and the source of major scientific and technological breakthroughs, jointly build a consortium that serves the regional economic and social development, concentrate our efforts on promoting the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, provide strong support for the efficient cultivation of new quality productive forces, and make educational contributions to the construction of Chinese path to modernization.
——胸怀世界携手构建教育对外开放新格局。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国。我们将以广博的胸襟、宽广的视野面向世界、面向未来,集聚联盟高校优势资源,共同应对全球性挑战、破解时代性课题,联合开展国际一流人才培养、联合举办世界一流大学校长论坛、联合发起及参与国际大科学计划,加强同世界一流大学和学术机构的互鉴、互融、互通,积极参与全球教育治理,为建设具有全球影响力的重要教育中心贡献力量。 —Embrace the world and work together to build a new pattern of opening up in education. China's development is inseparable from the world, and the world's prosperity also requires China. We will face the world and the future with broad minds and wide perspectives, gather the advantageous resources of the universities in the association, jointly respond to global challenges and solve the tasks of the times, jointly carry out the cultivation of world-class talents, jointly hold the World-Class University Presidents' Forum, jointly initiate and participate in international large-scale scientific programs, strengthen mutual learning, integration and exchanges with world-class universities and academic institutions, actively participate in global education governance, and contribute to the construction of important educational centers with global influence.
全国教育大会对新时代新征程加快建设教育强国作出系统部署,发出建设教育强国的动员令。我们将主动出列、担当重任、矢志卓越、走在前列,以教育之力厚植人民幸福之本,以教育之强夯实国家富强之基,奋力在教育强国建设新征程上,不断交出中国特色、世界一流大学建设第一方阵的忠诚答卷。 The National Education Conference has made systematic arrangements for accelerating the construction of a strong education nation in the new era and on the new journey, and issued a mobilization order for building a strong education nation. We will step forward on our own initiative, be capable of shouldering important responsibilities, be unwavering in the pursuit of excellence, and stay at the forefront. We will use the power of education to deeply plant the foundation for people's happiness and strengthen the foundation for the prosperity of the country with a strong education. We will strive to continuously present loyal answers in the construction of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics and as the first echelon on the new journey of building a strong education nation.
Peking University
Tsinghua University
Harbin Institute of Technology
Fudan University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Nanjing University
Zhejiang University
University of Science and Technology of China
Xi’an Jiaotong University
The University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
University of Macau
10th January, 2025, Harbin